Dropped Network Frames - in OBS but NOT in Wirecast


I've been searching all the notes on drop network frames, but I'm not finding anything that seems to make a difference.

I am getting 25% or higher dropped frames to any streaming service, and of course this makes them unusable.

As a last resort I downloaded a copy of Wirecast and running it in Demo mode, there are NO dropped frames at all. None.

I tried reverting back to OBS V25.0.8 and that makes no difference.

I'm a new OBS user (v26.1.2), and I really want this software to work for me, but with this issue it's completely unusable.

There has to be a setting that's wrong somewhere, as I said Wirecast works perfectly streaming to YouTube, Facebook, etc, and OBS really doesn't work at all with this problem.

Any ideas?


My Speedtest,net results show 20,000kbps upload speed.

I just tested to YouTube again and my actual kbps dropped down to 360... and this resulted in 50% dropped network frames.

I immediately switched to Wirecast and streamed to YouTube from there and the result was perfect with no dropped frames.

There has to be something in the OBS configuration that is causing this.


It's working now.... and it appears it was related to using the software encoder. I was able to move up to a higher screen resolution as well.

Here's where I found the answer. I must have watched 50 YouTube videos before stumbling into this one.

In case that video is gone... Here's what I changed.

Settings - Output - Advanced - Streaming
  • Encoder: Apple VT H264 Hardware
  • Rescale Output: not checked
  • Bitrate: 3000 (I tried multiples here increasing up to 10,000 and they all worked)
  • Limit bitrate: not checked
  • Keyframe Interval: 0
  • Profile: high
  • Use B-Frames: checked
Settings - Advanced - Network
  • Dynamically Change Bitrate to manage congestion (beta): checked (without this I had a 3% dropped rate in 30 minutes of streaming)
Settings - Video
  • Base (Canvas) Resolution: 1920x1080 (I had been running 720 trying to fix the problem, and went back here no issue now)
  • Output (Scaled) Resolution: 1920x1080
  • Downscale Filter: Bicubic
  • FPS: 30 (I set this to 60 and there was no change)

So, whatever these changes did, there are now NO Dropped Network Frames.

There is something in the Wiki about Dropped Network Frames that doesn't include ANY of this information. It makes sense for the devs to understand the relationship here to NETWORK frames and see if there is something strange in the software, because this made no sense to me at all.

I tested whether or not this was the fix by going BACK and taking these changes out, and I hit as high as a 50% Dropped Network Frame error in the first 5 minutes of a stream.


Sounds like it's giving you an incorrect error message? I don't know how OBS defines or tests for dropped network frame errors. What was your CPU load in the two scenarios?


The CPU load was hovering around 10%, and there were no other issues reported when these network frame drops occurred.