Question / Help Dropped frames with stable Internet Connection


I have a problem. I have somehow getting dropped frames even wih a Stable Internet connection. Here are my settings/specc:

CPU: i7-5960x @ 4,5ghz
GPU: 1080 GTX
50mbit down / 10mbit up

OBS Settings:
OBS Studio Version: 17.0.2 64bit
Streaming at: 1280x720p60fps
Encoder: x264
Preset: medium
Bitrate: 4500
Profile: main

Here is my latest log file:
Internet Speed:

My CPU usage on task manager is 60~ average. Not going high then 65. Which is fine, theres much space for something else.

I streamed for like 1hour and I had 476 dropped frames. I tried something. I set preset from medium to veryfast, doesnt work. I set the bitrate from 4500 to 3000, didnt work. I changed the service from Frankfurt DE to something else, didnt work...

I have no idea whats wrong... Whenever I start the stream, after like 2minutes I get a small amount of dropped frames.

Maybe someone can help me.
I dont have the custom x264 commands in. I removed them because my CPU usage was 80% with it. Seems like its still in the log somehow....

Deleted member 70571

The frames dropped are minor. Connections aren't always stable.