Dropped frames while streaming! The stream will only go at 2800kbps instead of the assigned 7000kbps!


New Member
I have been at this for a while now and have made no progress. I stream skyrim once a week on youtube at 1080p 60fps. The past few weeks have been great in the everthing ran fairly smooth at the set bitrate. last week the stream was a bit rough on quality I know I have not changed any of the settings since I found my sweet spot a couple weeks ago. I am testing my stream like I usually do before streaming just to make sure everything is hunky-dori but my kbps was hanging around 2800 with 1100 lost frames. This is stressing me out because it won't work. What exactly am I doing wrong?

Log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/J9XvQ8wsl_ck7JyR

Thank you for the help!


looks like it may be a network issue. but there are other potential causes as well...

turn off any anti-virus or firewall software and test. if the problem goes away look into how to "whitelist" or "exclude" OBS and associated folders from both the AV and firewall.

turn off game DVR in windows. (in windows 10, Settings -> Gaming -> Captures. you would have to google how to do this in win11 if needed)
turn off all DVR functions. it is a good idea to turn off Game Bar as well. leave Game Mode enabled.

run OBS as Administrator. (right click on shortcut, properties -> advanced -> check the box for 'run as administratior' and click OK)

if you have tried all of these and the issue still persists, you may need to reach out to your ISP and have them check your service.