Dropped Frames 100% from Internet Connection Issue?


New Member
Log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/ECJVDARIzFvUPt1V

I appear to be getting a lot of dropped frames. Been stable for over a month, nothing has changed with the set up but happening frequently this week. Looks to me like it’s an internet connection issue but can anyone who is an expert with these logs tell that? I have this at what looks like a timestamp of the end of the stream:

16:53:30.738: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 28057 (18.8%)

Is that indicative of an internet connection issue? Or am I missing something else?

Any way to tell a more specific cause from this log?

Thanks for your help! I know my way around OBS but I'm by no means an expert and definitely not an expert at deciphering the logs