Bug Report Doesn't work with AMD drivers fullscreen capture but works windowed mode

Shane Fagan

New Member
Pretty much the title I was trying out obs and it freezes the capture when I open a fullscreen game but works on the desktop in general and works using windowed mode apps. Is there any workaround for AMD users? It just happens on the proprietary drivers and it doesn't seem to matter what version of the kernel or mesa or settings I put into the aticonfig so its obviously a bug somewhere in the AMD driver or how obs is using it.
Just came across this PPA that provides FFmpeg 2.4 on 14.10:
https://launchpad.net/~kirillshkrogalev/ archive/ubuntu/ffmpeg-next

However when I install that version, I still get the same error when trying to stream in OBS.

Pretty much the title I was trying out obs and it freezes the capture when I open a fullscreen game but works on the desktop in general and works using windowed mode apps. Is there any workaround for AMD users? It just happens on the proprietary drivers and it doesn't seem to matter what version of the kernel or mesa or settings I put into the aticonfig so its obviously a bug somewhere in the AMD driver or how obs is using it.
im going to assume it's something somewhere with fglrx. have you considered using the open source driver?

i can't really be sure what's wrong without seeing it in action. maybe a private stream or a google hangouts not sure. it may be related to your Desktop Environment and your default compositor.

Shane Fagan

New Member
Ok here is the more interesting thing I found. I went to record a video to give it in and I found something strange. When I start recording the capture freezes which isn't what happens when I record in widowed mode. And as well as that the preview window that uses XSHM works until I start recording. So it definitely seems like a bug with obs itself in my case. I honestly think now its just a weird issue potentially with just buffering the encoder or something.

And ill give some info about my system. Its Ubuntu 14.04 using the current fglrx driver, I tested the problem with the previous driver too and also I tried the newest kernel available that works with the new fglrx driver and its all the same. Im using default unity with no changes. My GPU is Asus R9270x purchased last year. my CPU is an Intel i5 purchased last year, 1tb 5400 RPM (I do plan on upgrading this but I can't see this being the issue and I have 8GB of DDR3 RAM.


What version driver does ATI Catalyst report?
Are you using the "Current" driver from the Additional Drivers in Software & Updates? If so you may want to download the very latest directly from the ATI web site and install manually. There are some gotchas if you're not careful. If you need it I can give you some pointers installing because I use it on my mining rig with Asus A88X mobo and three Radeon HD7950.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
We have a number of updates pending that you probably don't have access to depending on your operating system, our build server is currently down so we're not currently generating new builds, at least for the PPA. Hopefully it'll be back up soon.

Shane Fagan

New Member
So to answer the guy who mentioned that my drivers might be out of date. I have the omega drivers and the other driver I tested was the previous one.

As for Jim yeah I did notice the build hadn't been updated in 4 months was wondering about that. I have the PPA running so ill try again when its back up and say if it works or not.

Shane Fagan

New Member
Ok so I have some more info. I went ahead and built from the git of OBS and decided to see if it was fixed and it wasn't. Same deal, open up a fullscreen app and it just records sound and no video. Ill paste in my output in terminal other than the paths of things which is obviously not going to be a problem. And here is a video of the issue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVtvxwVtZWQ

info: OBS 0.0.1 (linux)
info: Processor: 4 logical cores
info: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz
info: Physical Memory: 7920MB Total
info: Kernel Version: Linux 3.16.7-991-generic
info: Distribution: "Ubuntu" "14.04"
info: audio settings reset:
samples per sec: 44100
speakers: 2
buffering (ms): 1000

info: X and Y: 909 500
Backbuffers: 2
Color Format: 3
ZStencil Format: 0
Adapter: 0

info: OpenGL version: 3.2.13283 Core Profile Context 14.501.1003

info: video settings reset:
base resolution: 1920x1080
output resolution: 1280x720
fps: 30/1
info: output 'default_file_output' (flv_output) created
info: output 'default_stream' (rtmp_output) created
info: encoder 'default_h264' (obs_x264) created
info: encoder 'default_aac' (ffmpeg_aac) created
info: service 'default_service' (rtmp_common) created
info: source 'Scene' (scene) created
info: pulse-input: Server name: 'pulseaudio 4.0'
info: pulse-input: Audio format: s16le, 48000 Hz, 2 channels
info: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo'
info: source 'Audio Input Capture (PulseAudio)' (pulse_input_capture) created
info: pulse-input: Server name: 'pulseaudio 4.0'
info: pulse-input: Audio format: s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels
info: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo.monitor'
info: source 'Audio Output Capture (PulseAudio)' (pulse_output_capture) created
info: xshm-input: Geometry 1920x1080 @ 0,0
info: source 'Screen Capture (XSHM)' (xshm_input) created
info: Update check: latest version is: 0.4.0
info: Freeing OBS context data
info: 4 user source(s) were remaining
info: source 'Scene' destroyed
info: source 'Audio Input Capture (PulseAudio)' destroyed
info: pulse-input: Stopped recording from 'alsa_input.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo'
info: pulse-input: Got 344 packets with 102096 frames
info: source 'Audio Output Capture (PulseAudio)' destroyed
info: pulse-input: Stopped recording from 'alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1b.0.analog-stereo.monitor'
info: pulse-input: Got 731 packets with 110284 frames
info: source 'Screen Capture (XSHM)' destroyed
info: output 'default_stream' destroyed
info: output 'default_file_output' destroyed
info: 2 output(s) were remaining
info: encoder 'default_aac' destroyed
info: encoder 'default_h264' destroyed
info: 2 encoder(s) were remaining
info: service 'default_service' destroyed
info: 1 service(s) were remaining
info: Number of memory leaks: 0

Shane Fagan

New Member
Also id like to add I just tested the open source drivers and its working fine fullscreen. The issue is only on the AMD drivers and its only fullscreen games not with the actual capture itself it seems.
i have no issue recording fullscreen window captures. i livestream ubucraft like that all the time. it appears like your opengl verison is a little outdated. i'm running OpenGL version string: 4.5.0

Shane Fagan

New Member
How do I update OpenGL? I am totallty new to linux. I'm running 14.04

DON'T LISTEN TO ubuntuaddicted

If you install that PPA you might break your system. This issue has nothing to do with OpenGL versions. Both fglrx and the open source drivers all have outdated OpenGL versions. The only one that doesn't is Nvidia's closed source drivers. So he was talking out his ass. And anyway this issue has nothing to do with the OpenGL versions anyway. There are a few users who reported it now so the best guess I can make is its to do with a specific setup.

Now ubuntuaddicted since your one is working I presume you are on the Nvidia closed source drivers correct? If not then tell me what setup you have and include what DE you are using, kernel and all too would help. This I believe is a AMD problem only and if you said something other than works for me it would help.
DON'T LISTEN TO ubuntuaddicted

If you install that PPA you might break your system. This issue has nothing to do with OpenGL versions. Both fglrx and the open source drivers all have outdated OpenGL versions. The only one that doesn't is Nvidia's closed source drivers. So he was talking out his ass. And anyway this issue has nothing to do with the OpenGL versions anyway. There are a few users who reported it now so the best guess I can make is its to do with a specific setup.

Now ubuntuaddicted since your one is working I presume you are on the Nvidia closed source drivers correct? If not then tell me what setup you have and include what DE you are using, kernel and all too would help. This I believe is a AMD problem only and if you said something other than works for me it would help.
as i said, perform at your own risk. I know for a fact that a community member of Linux Tech and Gaming is running a 7990, running a specific version of the fglrx driver and is running OBS just fine. Once I speak with him I will get back to you.

Currently on my production box, i run Xubuntu 14.04.2 with Nvidia 346.47 and kernel 3.13.0-46-generic and obs works just fine.

UPDATE: Oibaf is a PPA that includes the very latest graphics drivers, and is updated virtually every day. This PPA is only helpful if you’re using the open source drivers rather than the proprietary nVidia or AMD drivers – proprietary drivers are not included. However, there are constant updates to the major open source drivers that can add support or improve performance, so this is the best way to try them out. You can add it with the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers && sudo apt-get update.
Similarly, you can also add the X.org-Edgers PPA if you’re concerned about your graphics performance. This PPA will give you the absolute latest version of the X.org X display server, which is a part of the entire graphics stack. If you want better graphics performance, it’s important to keep the entire stack updated. You shouldn’t use this PPA if you use the proprietary graphics drivers, as they sometimes lag with support for newer kernel and X.org versions. You can add it with the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa && sudo apt-get update.
Additionally, if you plan on using both of these PPAs, make sure that you’re also using the latest kernel that’s available, which you’ll have to download and install yourself.
While my personal experience with these two PPAs has been positive (even when using them both at the same time), do note that they contain bleeding edge software that isn’t guaranteed to be stable. We’re not liable if your system crashes due to these PPAs (or any of them, for that matter).
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