Question / Help Does OBS recognize SRV records for a domain?


New Member
I have a locally-hosted RTMP server with nginX (after following one of the guides here) and I bought a domain to point to it as well. I'm specifically trying to get it set up so that the domain has an SRV record telling the streaming client to stream to port 19350 (instead of the 1935 default) on the rtmp.* subdomain but every time I try to stream to the server when it's set up this way I get a "can't connect to server" error on OBS. I've talked to the support people for my registrar multiple times (I'm using Namecheap) and they've confirmed that the record is set up correctly, and I know the server is set up correctly because when I have the domain records in a different configuration or even when I don't and I try to connect with the 19350 port directly by specifying it in the URI (like rtmp://rtmp.mysite.tld:19350/live) it works fine. Does OBS just always stream to port 1935 despite SRV records unless a different port is explicitly provided?

It's not a super big deal for me to have it set up this way in my current configuration since I just have the one server hosted on my local machine that only needs to listen on one port so there's no collisions there, but I'm just wondering if this is possible. How do all the big sites like Twitch and YouTube handle this? Are their servers just all listening only on port 1935? Or does OBS explicitly specify the ports for those servers in the builtin definitions? Or something else?