Do scene collections maintain separate scripts? Did the behavior recently change?


New Member
I maintain a small lua script that adds next scene and previous scene hotkeys to OBS. Recently, I feel like the behavior of Scene Collections has changed with my script but I'm not sure what's going on or if I'm misunderstanding/misremembering something basic about scene collections.

In the past, I thought I could add new scene collections, and my script would still be active and my hotkeys still available in the Hotkeys menu under Settings. Recently, however, I've noticed that if I add a new scene collection, my hotkey options don't load and my script literally disappears from the Scripts menu and has to be re-added. Essentially, it seems like each Scene Collection maintains its own separate set of scripts.

A few questions. Is this how Scene Collections are supposed to work? Did this recently change? Is there a way to keep my script loaded when I add a new scene collection? Thank you for any wisdom you can provide.
Scripts (actually, references to the script files) are stored in the .json file that defines the Scene Collection. It has been that way for as long as I have used OBS (2021).

A quick test with version 29.1.3 shows that if you create your scene collection by duplicating an existing one, the scripts will be part of the duplicate. Of course, if you subsequently add or remove a script to one collection, you will need to manually update your other collections.

If I make a NEW scene collection in 29.1.3, and then click "Tools", "scripts", OBS shows me the list of scripts that were present in whatever collection was open when I did NEW. BUT, if I click on each script in the list, the UI isn't updated by the scripts, so they aren't really present. If I switch to a different collection, when I come back to my "new" collection, the SCRIPTS ARE GONE. So there seems to a bug in New scene collection.