Do not use forward slashes in the title when creating scene collections.


New Member
If you plan to use Export and Import of scene collections, I found that a title that has a forward slash in the name will prevent the import to work.

Steps to reproduce this issue.
Create a new Scene Collection and call it 7/13/2020
Next, export the new scene collection to your local folder. OBS will save the scene collection with the following name: 7132020.json.
Next, remove the scene collection 7/13/2020 from your list.
Then try to import the scene collection called 7132020.json.

Issue: The Scene Collection 7/13/2020 will not show up on the list.

NOTE: If any scene collection has a forward slash in its name, it will not be able to be imported. In order to work around this issue, you can manually copy the scene collection into /users/yourname/library/application support/obs-studio/basic/scenes.

Recommendation: Do not use forward slashes in the title when creating scene collections.

One possible solution would be to create a pop up window with a warning to the user that certain characters are not allowed in the scene collection title.

Version tested: 25.0.8 (mac)
The Log file does not show any useful information to help with debugging this issue.
OS: Catalina - 10.15.5 (19F101)