Displaying Images - Newbie


New Member
Hi. I am using OSB/mac and just getting started. I am regular Post Production Producer, so I'm quite experienced there. I have started streaming via OBS to Facebook (not YouTube yet) utilizing a Canon XF400 via Black Magic Intensity Shuttle HDMI to Thunderbolt (Tb) and will soon add another Canon Camera (1 step at a time) and presently have at my disposal a iMac that is used to present images on two TV's via HDMI using Pro-Presenter and/or via an iPad with Keynote.

So, I would like to start displaying the images when the presenter taps his screen and if this can be done directly from Pro-Presenter and/or just the exported images from Keynote, either is fine whichever is easier. Is there a tutorial on how to do this or am I ahead for the time being to just buy a small video camera and aim it at one of the TV monitors and do it that way?

Thanks in advance to all who respond.