Question / Help Display problems


New Member
Hi, I am having trouble getting OBS to show windows-in-windows. This is going to be a clumsy explanation, so apologies. I have the main window open (image processing software) which the OBS window shows fine. The problem is that if I open an action box for example a toolbox for cropping, this does not display in the preview window, nor does it record it.

First post, first time using, so be gentle! Log file and image attached. The image shows the preview window on the right, and the missing "floating box on the left.

Many thanks,



  • OBS.jpg
    244.9 KB · Views: 7


Forum Admin
That's considered a separate window. You'd need to use display capture to capture all the windows like that.


New Member
Ok, that's what I thought, but when I select that it gives me the option of Display 1: 1920x1080 @ 0,0 and displays nothing in the preview. I have an HDMI external monitor connected, but it does not show that in the dropdown, only the option above.
I have disconnected the external monitor and tried it with the native laptop monitor, the result is the same, i.e. nothing in the preview screen.
I am running through the troubleshooting guide for laptops now.
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