Display Capture stops working when I move to Minecrafts loading screen. This didn't happen before and now messes up my recording


New Member
Logs: https://obsproject.com/logs/t2FF50LdnN-X1yNB
I use Display Capture to record a lot of stuff at the same time because I move from watching vids to playing games in one recording. For some reason a problem showed up where when I go into the game that loads into fullscreen, display capture stops working until I restart OBS. When I check the OBS program the screen is just stuck at the Minecraft loading screen. I can still see my mouse moving as I play the game but the screen is just the stuck loading screen. Now when I go play my recording it shows everything up until the loading screen and now I'm just staring at the loading screen while my mouse moves. This has never happened before, any help? Thank you!
Picture of OBS screen stuck at loading screen even though I clearly don't have Minecraft open: https://imgur.com/a/usrFSGE