Disabling "ESC" for exiting Windowed and Fullscreen Projector modes


New Member

I'm just wondering if there is a way of disabling the "ESC" key for exiting Windowed and Fullscreen Projector modes. The thing is that I have two monitors:
* On monitor 1: I have a PowerPoint on presentation mode
* On monitor 2: I have OBS in Fullscreen Projector mode

So, the problem: if the presenter accidentally clicks on monitor 2 and then he hits ESC, then OBS Fullscreen Projector mode will be finished. The thing is that PowerPoint also uses the same key to exit from presentation mode.

I haven't seen any way of disabling this in OBS. I would appreciate if somebody has an idea.

Best regards


New Member

I found a workaround with the automation software called: "AutoHotkey". Thanks to this post:

I figured out how to disable those key on Fullscreen Projector Mode. You just need to install AutoHotkey and then create a script and put this on it:
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#IfWinActive, ahk_class Qt5QWindowIcon

The only problem is that you won't be able to use the ESC key as a hotkey for anything inside OBS. The thing is that the preview Window and the main OBS window have the same Window Class: "Qt5QWindowIcon". Another alternative would be to match the Window title, but since I'm working with two languages: English and German, the title of the preview Window won't be always the same. In English, you will see: "Fullscreen Projector (Preview)" while in German it will be: "Vollbildprojektor (Vorschau)".

It would be easier if there were a hotkey configuration for Windowed and Fullscreen Projector modes.

Best regards
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