Question / Help Difference between Intel Quick Sync & Quick Sync?


New Member
So I was playing with encoder settings the other day and notice I have 2 quick sync options. One is Intel Quick Sync H.264 Encoder (Media Foundation) & one just says QuickSync H.264. I noticed one I flipped to the "Quick Sync H.264" profile, I have a stop motion stream to Youtube. If I use the original Media Foundation version I have no issues. I also noticed one I flip to the Quick Sync version, the Media Foundation version is no longer in the drop down. Can someone shed some light on the difference and why the other one does't work for me? I duplicated the profile so I was able to go back to my working Media Foundation version in the meantime. Thanks in advance!


New Member
The Mediafoundation implementation is terrible, and is no longer supported.
Ok that makes sense - so why has my stream quality gone to hell after converting to the new method? It's like stop motion yet audio is perfect. Very odd. No matter what settings I've change make no difference.