Did GPU Scaling for rescale output make it into the final release for v30?


I'm referring to this line in the release notes on the github. This line has been present throuhout the betas and release candidates, but wasn't present on the notes of the final release. I'm curious if this was reverted or was simply a typo on the patch notes.
  • Enabled GPU scaling for "Rescale Output" when possible [Palana]

I'm assuming this feature would allow one to set a downscale for streaming purposes in the output tab and get the same performance as if you did it in the video tab, which sounds desirable for recording or replay buffer in full resolution with less of a performance hit.


Forum Admin
Internally, yes, but it's encoder and output dependent and not plumbed into the rest of OBS yet.


Internally, yes, but it's encoder and output dependent and not plumbed into the rest of OBS yet.
Thanks for the info! I'll hold off for now then, but glad to hear the feature is there! It was personally one I was most curious about with the update