Devices: "FriendlyName" vs "Bus reported device description"


New Member
I would like to put in a request that OBS uses the "FriendlyName" of devices (If present) from the registry of Windows installations instead of the "Bus reported device description" that is hardcoded into the firmeware of devices.

The are many posts in the forums from people that wish to be able to indentify individual devices in OBS when they have multiple devices from the same manufacturer, especially devices that use Microsoft's generic drivers.

I make no income from using OBS, my request is more about allowing individuals who are not expert users to be able to troubleshoot issues with hardware easier.

Alternatively for windows installation OBS could start using "DeviceDesc" from the registry as it's default, becasue this "STRING" value is always there, instead of using the hardcoded "Bus reported device description". Then if a user created a "FriendlyName" STRING in the registry the value of that would override the "DeviceDesc" string.

I would be willing to pay €500 towards such a feature.