(just want to report, don't need any fix advice - think the game is broken but maybe obs can do stuff to make capturing broken games more stable)
I had a problem last time while capturing the game 'Stay Close'
When i talked to the character, it seemed the game did something buggy. the preview only showed 1 fps (fps indicator went down from 60 to 40) it stayed at 1 fps.
after recording the file couldn't be played with mpc, but adobe premiere could - so no problems. Also the video fps was stable - no 1fps in the output (lucky me :))
But i noticed some green frames sometimes in the video (as i understood this is cause by this Device Remove/Reset!)
I had problems to render the video (rendering with Adobe Media Encoder) - the complete video was green
I then rendered with frameserver and megui - this worked for me.
i attached the log.
so this post is just a hint - maybe you can optimize the process somehow.
Just wanted to mention it.
(just want to report, don't need any fix advice - think the game is broken but maybe obs can do stuff to make capturing broken games more stable)
I had a problem last time while capturing the game 'Stay Close'
When i talked to the character, it seemed the game did something buggy. the preview only showed 1 fps (fps indicator went down from 60 to 40) it stayed at 1 fps.
after recording the file couldn't be played with mpc, but adobe premiere could - so no problems. Also the video fps was stable - no 1fps in the output (lucky me :))
But i noticed some green frames sometimes in the video (as i understood this is cause by this Device Remove/Reset!)
I had problems to render the video (rendering with Adobe Media Encoder) - the complete video was green
I then rendered with frameserver and megui - this worked for me.
i attached the log.
so this post is just a hint - maybe you can optimize the process somehow.
Just wanted to mention it.