Question / Help Desktop Audio not working


New Member
Hey guys. My desktop audio isn't picking up on obs. I know how to change the settings but it isn't working. The strange thing is, it worked, then I restarted obs and it wasn't working again.

I went to Desktop Audio and clicked on properties and I changed it to my headset, nothing. I set it to Default, nothing. I set it to Desktop, nothing. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing.


New Member
I had obs classic installed earlier and I was the desktop and mic audio was working fine. I don't like using Classic because it doesn't have some of the features that I use, so I use studio. so there is something going on in Studio.


New Member
also, if I unplug my headset, and the audio is coming out of the laptop speakers, the desktop audio registers.


New Member
Provide your session log from studio.
I don't know what that means. Bust I have noticed that if I close obs, unplug my headset, start obs and plug my headset back in, it picks up the desktop audio. If I keep it plugged in, close obs and start it up again, it doesn't register the desktop audio


I'm still learning to read logs, so I'm not sure where the advanced audio settings are at, but I ran into an issue a while ago where somehow one of my audio sources was set to monitor only.

Also you might need to double check your system defaults when it comes to audio. Default Playback, Default Recording, and Default Communications Device found in your windows control panel under "Sound". I've had some extra stuff in there that I either needed to disable or correctly reset my defaults after removing or adding audio devices.

You might need an OBS or windows restart thrown in there too depending on the nature of the config changes. When in doubt, restart ;)


New Member
when i start my OBS, the desktop audio doesn't work, but if i unplug my head set, shut down OBS, restart OBS and plug back in my headset, it works fine.

this problem seemed to have started happening when my computer had an update. i checked my audio settings and the settings are where they need to be.

I'm not sure if i mentioned this, but i have OBS Studio. i also have OBS Classic installed because when i use Studio to stream PC games, it lags so i use Classic when i want to stream Pc games. i know it doesn't make any sense, but when i use Classic to stream, the desktop audio is fine. i use Studio because it has more features than Classic.