Design flaws, not reliable, new to obs

rodrigo fajardo

New Member
Hi guys i'm new to OBS software, i come from hardware video switches and i wanted to give it a try but i have some issues that prevent me from keep using it, the most difficult thing for me is reliability. I'm using version 27.0.1 for Mac 10.14.6.

* Several times audio has not been sent to the streaming in spite of clearly seeing the signal in the obs audio mixer. Already going live streaming what can you do but cancel the show? omgggg
* It usual that OBS internally crashes and misbehaves but no clue about it and at that point you're already live streaming. Input hdmi signals get confused, lost (and almost impossible to recover sometimes), sometimes abusive cpu usage with no apparent reason. I use to delete all settings and preferences before each show to guarantee reliability but it is annoying when set ups are complex.
* No option to have all audio signals all the time in the mixer which is a REAL failure point as you have to monitor incoming audio and play in advance before sending to program. I believe this is the most dangerous issue. No solo button. Several times audio sources got stuck in the same panel so switching between pvw and pgm does not change audio sources in the middle of a show!!!
* Video playback of any source can not be controlled all times. The "scenes" approach could be better implemented by using color tags or any
* The right approach and best from OBS is the "scenes" approach to switching which beats any other software, this is why i prefer OBS over wirecast or Mimo live.

I hope someone has gone through this before and can give me a line.

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