Delay that grows?


New Member
I am not using any filters and the longer OBS is open the longer the delay becomes and I don't know why. I close OBS down and restart it and it begins with no delay and gets worse again.

Any ideas?


similary issue you mean the "monitoring" ?
my USB Mic make that issue simple right click on audiomixer and switch from "monitoring and output" to Monitor off and back
then its back in sync until next the monitor have a "sync" issue one some hardware
the stream is ontime its only the monitoring (for me)


New Member
I use a M-Audio 192/4 and this issue is within OBS itself as no other software I use with the interface has this issue. It will be just another issue within OBS that is swept under the rug. Yeah, I am in a real pissed off mood right now especially at how badly OBS is ran be it free or not as other open source projects are run so much better than this. My other issue I even had a damn crash log attached but no replies and no looking at the log either so I don't expect anything to be fixed.


Sorry Mr "My problems have the highest priority"
I have this Monitoring Delay issue to but this issue is a 1 of 10.000 and its not a "real" issue
Its only the "Monitoring" Exit of OBS not the Stream exit so its easy to restart the monitor or use another monitor its easy to bypass
There exist real Issues that affects the stability or the quality of the most users
Thats Priority
For me its easy to click every 20-30 Minuts a button to correct the delay,its not the best option but it works
and with a little luck sometime in the future a dev found the time to adjust this small inconvenience that is not more

Other search for a Programmer and pay them to fix the issue and send the fixed code to the project
other wait like every other until some one have the time and the will to do that.

sorry but i really can't understand such disrespectful behavior. You get a program for free including the thousands of working hours that go into it. In the end there is a tiny inconvenience that in no way affects the operation of the software and you present it as the worst thing in the world.

If you are dissatisfied with anything in your life then please don't take it out on us.


New Member
Disrespectful? They are disrespecting all of us by ignoring their issues with their arrogant butts.

Pay? You on drugs? As I said I have used a lot of github projects which is a 100% volunteering system, as well as Linux which is also volunteering, and I have yet to run into this so don't excuse them because you are ignorant of how real software can be ran (you know when the devs actually care about it).

Your 20-30 minutes must be nice as mine is within minutes now. Know when it gets worse? When I open the plugins dialog even if there are no plugins but what does it matter since the devs are too busy for such small things. My crash bug is so small they didn't give a crap about that either. I have been on the forums, and in the comments section of youtube vids, and not one took up for OBS and 90% of them said they would jump ship if something else, that wasn't a fork( like slobs), was out there for the exact same reasons I said above.

Small problems that are ignored, or put on the back burner, can be symptoms of a larger problem that is coming and any developer worth their weight in pee knows that.