Delay limit


New Member

I have a quite specific use case for the obs, it involves quite long delays, in range of about 10 - 30 seconds. It's for my archery training, I shoot and watch myself on the delayed view to see how I do with my technique. I'm guessing a lot of people use it that way, not only for the archery but other disciplines as well.
For the async delay filter it's fine, the limit is set to 20000 milliseconds, and I can live with that. However for the render delay filter is limited to 500ms, and as I heard from my coach (from whom I learned about the obs BTW), sometimes that's the only way to have the delay. I'm not sure about the reason but without getting into the details I just would like to be able to set the delay to higher value.
To see if this is feasible I downloaded the source, found the places, where I assume the limit is implemented, so for the async delay filter it looks like it's async_delay_filter_properties and gpu_delay_filter_properties for the render delay and tested if changes are working:

diff --git a/plugins/obs-filters/async-delay-filter.c b/plugins/obs-filters/async-delay-filter.c index 8ccecb148..cc0e95396 100644 --- a/plugins/obs-filters/async-delay-filter.c +++ b/plugins/obs-filters/async-delay-filter.c @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ static obs_properties_t *async_delay_filter_properties(void *data) obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); obs_property_t *p = obs_properties_add_int(props, SETTING_DELAY_MS, - TEXT_DELAY_MS, 0, 20000, 1); + TEXT_DELAY_MS, 0, 30000, 1); obs_property_int_set_suffix(p, " ms"); UNUSED_PARAMETER(data); diff --git a/plugins/obs-filters/gpu-delay.c b/plugins/obs-filters/gpu-delay.c index 4af8fdb9f..1d4047355 100644 --- a/plugins/obs-filters/gpu-delay.c +++ b/plugins/obs-filters/gpu-delay.c @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ static obs_properties_t *gpu_delay_filter_properties(void *data) obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); obs_property_t *p = obs_properties_add_int(props, S_DELAY_MS, - T_DELAY_MS, 0, 500, 1); + T_DELAY_MS, 0, 30000, 1); obs_property_int_set_suffix(p, " ms"); UNUSED_PARAMETER(data);

Seems so on my machine.
My question is, if apart from obvious huge memory consumption, are there any specific reasons for having the delay limits set for the values that are there, or it's just "should be enough for everyone" kind of design decision? If there's no other reason I'd like to propose a change to increase the delay limit let's say to 30 seconds for both filters.



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