Question / Help Deinterlacing problem(?)


New Member
Please excuse what may be a really stupid question but I'm a complete newbie to this and I'd appreciate any help I can get.
I'm trying to capture video/audio from some VHS video tapes and have just set up OBS for the first time.
Everything appears to be working correctly until I play the VCR - the audio output is excellent but the video output to the OBS software jumps all over the place and doesn't settle down .
I've tried at least ten VHS tapes from different sources and it's the same with each tape so I'm fairly sure the problem isn't with the VHS tapes.
From the little reading I've found, it could(?) be a problem with de-interlacing but I'm not sure which setting I should adjust and to which parameter.
Any help would be gratefully received.
Thanks in advance,


Active Member
This sounds more like an issue with your capture device. Which one are you using? If you use the software bundled with it, does the jump-around issue still occur?

And sanity check, have you tried plugging the VCR into a TV to see if the video jumps around there, too, and rule out maybe the VCR putting out a bad video signal? All of them are getting pretty old at this point, and fail-states happen all the time.