Default Audio Tracks selected


New Member
In the "Advanced Audio Properties" All tracks are checked whenever a audio device has changed in the settings.
It wasnt so much trouble before 6 tracks were able to be selected.

Is it not better to have only Track 1 to 3 selected by default except for... all 18 if 3 sources are present?

Unchecking and re-checking them is quite the hassle and is now even more because of the added track support

I prefer to only have sources checked rather than having to think in opposite ways of which are used in recording and leave the rest just there.

Just throwing it out there.


I was going to write a big explanation about why tracks are and how they should be handled... but you know what?

I agree with you (in principle at least). All devices that are added should be added to track 1 by default, and no others. Then it is up to the user to re-route/assign them as needed.