Hey there, I am currently in the process of working over a camera issue with Ubiquity, but we are using one of the camera's for a snow camera for a local ski hill.
The camera was freezing, and I thought maybe if I switch scenes every bit it would just ... unfreeze it as it re-acquires the camera feed. Apparently this is not the case but... in any event, I did write the following AutoHotKey script.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 1
ToggleCounter = 1
SetTimer, ToggleScene, 20000
if (ToggleCounter = 1 ) {
ControlSend, ,{NumPad0}, OBS
ToggleCounter = 0
} else if (ToggleCounter = 0 ) {
ControlSend, ,{NumPad1}, OBS
ToggleCounter = 1
How To Use:
For each camera entry, you would set a hotkey in OBS to switch to. I used the Number Pad 0 and 1 in this case, since I only wanted to switch between two scenes.
For each scene, set it up however you want it to be displayed, and set the hotkey accordingly (make notes if need be).
After this is done, you can edit this code, so if you wanted it to flip between more cameras, you have to add an if statement in that code and each one up to the 5th camera, would increment this "Toggle Counter" to the next value for the if statement checks. As the timer goes through (in ms) it will check that value and press whatever NumPadX you have set for a scene. So if you had 3 camera's the ToggleScene: and beyond part would look like this:
if (ToggleCounter = 1 ) {
ControlSend, ,{NumPad0}, OBS
ToggleCounter = 2
} else if (ToggleCounter = 2 ) {
ControlSend, ,{NumPad1}, OBS
ToggleCounter = 3
} else if (ToggleCounter = 3) {
ControlSend, , {NumPad2}, OBS
ToggleCounter = 1
If I had the knowledge of how plugins were used with OBS Studio I would make a plugin for this, but I haven't had any time at all to sit down and work with it. I would like something like the picture in attachements.
Just edited it in VS so I could lay it out. Like I said, I haven't the slightest on plugins for OBS. I wanted to for a while but... maybe if I have some time I can see what I can pull out of my hat :) Until then, the AutoHotKey thing worked like a charm, even though the camera's didn't >:(
Any help, just reply and I'll see what I can do :)