Custom X, and Y, manual video feed relocation.

Jason Bland

The Title of this doesn't serve what I'm saying to it's full extent, I honestly didn't know how to phrase it without delving into excessive details. So, forgive my digression, I would like to ask that we are manually able to locate the placement of video feed. (e.g. Face cam positioning, Chat location, On screen text etc....) I find that I dislike my face cam being directly on the edge of the video on my streams, I like it to be of the slightest degree away from the edge. (I have a particularly thin border for my face cam.) And I find that OBS MP Likes to estimate my video feed and automatically move it to the streams edge if it is close enough. So, Instead of the drag and place accuracy of the mouse, a "simple" X, and Y Dial that correlates with the video's resolution, to accurately place video feeds positioning, accurate enough to delve into the decimals. Like the Title says, this is just a suggestion, and odds are you already thought of this, but simply haven't implemented it yet, given the list of prioritys which proceed this. Thanks Admins and Developers for keeping up the production of this great program. (P.S. I am a very impatient person, and was curious, do donations help speed up the process of new patches? :D, I'm joking, but seriously, I feel like you deserve a donation from me for this fantastic program.)