CSS problem on BrowserSource


New Member
I tried on the last version of OBS but the problem stills exists.

So, the problem is:
I made a CSS that replace the twitch emoticons for personal emoticons, but the BrowserSource of OBS doesn't support it :'c
I investigate why is not working and I found the problem! Its cause the OBS's stylesheet doesn't support the atribute selection!

If I put this code:
.message-text img{
All emoticons changes perfectly, but if I want to select each emoticon:
.message-text img[alt="[URL]http://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/8/1.0[/URL]"]{

The program doesn't understand it and nothing changes.

Can fix that on the next update? please...
Or someone pass me a plugin that fix it?


Thanks for your time ^-^/