Question / Help Cross Compiling for Windows


New Member
Hi, is there a guide or any available resources for compiling obs-studio, with support for quicksync and nvenc, for WIndows on a Linux machine? I have been working on some stuff I'd like to try out and I guess it would be potentially faster than setting up a whole new environment.

If it is really a hassle then I won't bother, but just wondering. Thanks!
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New Member
So my attempt to do this went further than I expected, but I am running into some errors. On Fedora 24, I am using x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ to compile and it fails with errors about half way through. Pastebin here. It is a mix of namespace and expected declaration errors in multiple libraries and I have been reading there may be a problem in the order that these libraries are included.

Compile process:

mingw64-cmake -DUNIX_STRUCTURE=0 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${HOME}/obs-studio-portable" ..

Any ideas? Seems like it is doable.