I wanted OBS to generate files with extended ISO-8601 file names, so I configured `%CCYY-%MM-%DDT%hh:%mm:%ss`.
But this resulted in a file named `2021-04-06T17_55_52.mkv`
As you can see, the `:`s are replaced with `_`
Additionally, is there a way to also include the time zone? Like `date --iso-8601=seconds`
So I get the following result; `2021-04-06T18:09:07+02:00.mkv`
Here is my log; https://obsproject.com/logs/iTSvH2zWwqeYnLgi
I wanted OBS to generate files with extended ISO-8601 file names, so I configured `%CCYY-%MM-%DDT%hh:%mm:%ss`.
But this resulted in a file named `2021-04-06T17_55_52.mkv`
As you can see, the `:`s are replaced with `_`
Additionally, is there a way to also include the time zone? Like `date --iso-8601=seconds`
So I get the following result; `2021-04-06T18:09:07+02:00.mkv`
Here is my log; https://obsproject.com/logs/iTSvH2zWwqeYnLgi