Question / Help Crashed after 20m recording


Probably ran out of memory. 32-bit can only use up to 4 GB of ram (2 GB without large address aware), so try 64 bit. Show us a regular OBS log file, which may show more information.

A lot of "<unknown>" in a crash log is not very useful. I eventually figured out the offset of obs.dll between mine using identical version, and the crash log to show something on a crashed thread.
0x6d837720 = os_breakpoint
0x6d8241c4 = video_frame_init, at a location that calls _bmalloc
0x6d844edc = obs_source_frame_init
0x6d840412 = cache_video
0x6d846121 = darray_free


Probably ran out of memory. 32-bit can only use up to 4 GB of ram (2 GB without large address aware), so try 64 bit. Show us a regular OBS log file, which may show more information.

A lot of "<unknown>" in a crash log is not very useful. I eventually figured out the offset of obs.dll between mine using identical version, and the crash log to show something on a crashed thread.
0x6d837720 = os_breakpoint
0x6d8241c4 = video_frame_init, at a location that calls _bmalloc
0x6d844edc = obs_source_frame_init
0x6d840412 = cache_video
0x6d846121 = darray_free
Did not realise I was using 32 bit, will make sure i use 64 bit. Cheers