Bug Report CPU Usage Much Higher with 17.0.2


Yesterday I updated to 17.0.2, and I noticed mid stream that my preview window in OBS was very choppy, then realized that my CPU usage was much higher then it was with 17.0.0, or even 17.0.1. I literally didnt change a single setting outside of updating to the newest version, so for whatever reason, it seems to handle CPU usage much worse then previous versions.

I originally thought it had something to do with recording my video at a separate quality, but then realized that I had recorded the EXACT same way the night before, with the same game, and the only variable change was running 17.0.1/.0 compared to 17.0.2 of last night.

Here is 17.0.0/.1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljl9nBgXRso&t=40m14s You can see its very smooth and is exactly how I see it on my TV

Now here is 17.0.2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VARHZkFX_SY&t=41m45s Its extremely jumpy and looks nothing like the other video

Is this a known issue at all? I was able to alleviate the issue by changing my recording to being the same as the stream quality, though Id prefer to record it at a higher bitrate, so Im planning to go back to 17.0.0 for now until this is fixed.

Im currently at work so Ill add a log once I get home.

My current setup is:

Intel i7-4790k
GTX 1080
Avermedia LGHD C985
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please post a log with your issue. Make sure to record/stream for a few minutes with the same settings and then stop wait a few seconds then upload current log


Ok, so I just did some testing, and I wasnt able to emulate the issue at all using 17.0.2

I also went and looked through the log file of the video that was fine, and the log of the choppy one, and could not find any difference at all. Still not sure why OBS was pushing 75% CPU usage yesterday, but not the day before. Today doing testing, the highest I could get it to was about 35% CPU usage and that was recording with x264 and setting the CPU Preset to slower, even though yesterday I had it set to faster

Heres the log when I used 17.0.0 - https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c479a79a567dba293c99f0706b7c197b

And heres the log from yesterday with 17.0.2 - https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e191d4bb177a9cf2f421f42cf03834c5