Question / Help CPU in OBS rises to 45%


New Member
Just as the title says; the CPU usage for OBS rises to 45% for games such as Rainbow Six Siege and Battlefield 1. This has been occurring over the last couple of days and is worrying me a little

Currently streaming right now so i cannot provide rough details as of yet, but these are my specs:

GTX 970
i7 - 4790
16GB Ram

2300 Bitrate
2300 Buffer
720, 60FPS
CPU Preset - Faster (tried veryfast but looks like crap)
Profile - high
Tune - animation
Rate Control - CBR
Encoder - x264
Downscale Filter - Lancos

CPU rises through the roof when playing and moving, but when in menus it drops to 14-18%. Other games such as Isaac don't have this problem, but Black Desert somewhat does

If you require me to upload a file then i can do that when the stream is finished

Thank you

Suslik V

Active Member
This is normal behavior.
Also, Tune - "animation" is not perfect for games encoding (where no frames double as any anime can do), leave this settings empty.