Question / Help Converting VHS video


New Member
Hi. I have a UCEC video capture dongle connecting a VCR to my Windows 10 laptop. In OBS, when I view the configuration for my capture device and hit Play on the VCR, OBS displays the VHS output from the VCR. However when I start recording, no VHS output is displayed in OBS and the contents of the output file are simply a black screen (although the output files have file sizes that vary according to the length of time that OBS was recording). In my video settings, the Base Resolution is set to 480x333 and the Output Resolution is 480x332 (per the instructions from the dongle manufacturer). I have set the graphics settings for obs64.exe to "High Performance" (per the sticky in this forum) and am running it as admin. The OBS log is appended below.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

21:31:57.703: CoInitializeEx succeeded: 0x00000001
21:31:57.703: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz
21:31:57.703: CPU Speed: 2808MHz
21:31:57.703: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
21:31:57.703: Physical Memory: 16268MB Total, 4965MB Free
21:31:57.703: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 18363 (release: 1909; revision: 720; 64-bit)
21:31:57.703: Running as administrator: true
21:31:57.703: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
21:31:57.703: Windows 10 Gaming Features:
21:31:57.703: Game DVR: On
21:31:57.705: Sec. Software Status:
21:31:57.706: Windows Defender Antivirus: enabled (AV)
21:31:57.707: Windows Firewall: enabled (FW)
21:31:57.708: Current Date/Time: 2020-04-14, 21:31:57
21:31:57.708: Browser Hardware Acceleration: true
21:31:57.708: Portable mode: false
21:31:58.094: OBS 25.0.4 (64-bit, windows)
21:31:58.094: ---------------------------------
21:31:58.095: ---------------------------------
21:31:58.095: audio settings reset:
21:31:58.095: samples per sec: 44100
21:31:58.095: speakers: 2
21:31:58.097: ---------------------------------
21:31:58.097: Initializing D3D11...
21:31:58.097: Available Video Adapters:
21:31:58.105: Adapter 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
21:31:58.105: Dedicated VRAM: 4216324096
21:31:58.105: Shared VRAM: 4234582016
21:31:58.105: PCI ID: 10de:1c8c
21:31:58.106: Driver Version:
21:31:58.106: output 0: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true, refresh=60, name=
21:31:58.106: output 1: pos={0, -1080}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true, refresh=59, name=VX2453 Series
21:31:58.106: Adapter 1: Intel(R) HD Graphics 630
21:31:58.106: Dedicated VRAM: 134217728
21:31:58.106: Shared VRAM: 4234582016
21:31:58.106: PCI ID: 8086:591b
21:31:58.107: Driver Version:
21:31:58.113: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (0)
21:31:59.093: D3D11 loaded successfully, feature level used: b000
21:31:59.093: DXGI increase maximum frame latency success
21:31:59.093: D3D11 GPU priority setup success
21:31:59.571: ---------------------------------
21:31:59.571: video settings reset:
21:31:59.571: base resolution: 1280x720
21:31:59.571: output resolution: 1280x720
21:31:59.571: downscale filter: Bicubic
21:31:59.571: fps: 60/1
21:31:59.571: format: NV12
21:31:59.571: YUV mode: 601/Partial
21:31:59.571: NV12 texture support enabled
21:31:59.573: Audio monitoring device:
21:31:59.573: name: Default
21:31:59.573: id: default
21:31:59.573: ---------------------------------
21:31:59.576: [CoreAudio encoder]: CoreAudio AAC encoder not installed on the system or couldn't be loaded
21:31:59.576: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'decklink-ouput-ui.dll'
21:31:59.611: [AMF] Unable to load 'amfrt64.dll', error code 126.
21:31:59.614: [AMF] AMF Test failed due to one or more errors.
21:31:59.614: Failed to initialize module 'enc-amf.dll'
21:31:59.635: [obs-browser]: Version 2.8.6
21:31:59.639: NVENC supported
21:31:59.664: VLC found, VLC video source enabled
21:31:59.672: A DeckLink iterator could not be created. The DeckLink drivers may not be installed
21:31:59.675: No blackmagic support
21:31:59.682: ---------------------------------
21:31:59.682: Loaded Modules:
21:31:59.682: win-wasapi.dll
21:31:59.682: win-mf.dll
21:31:59.682: win-dshow.dll
21:31:59.682: win-decklink.dll
21:31:59.682: win-capture.dll
21:31:59.682: vlc-video.dll
21:31:59.683: text-freetype2.dll
21:31:59.683: rtmp-services.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-x264.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-vst.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-transitions.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-text.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-qsv11.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-outputs.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-filters.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-ffmpeg.dll
21:31:59.683: obs-browser.dll
21:31:59.683: image-source.dll
21:31:59.683: frontend-tools.dll
21:31:59.683: enc-amf.dll
21:31:59.683: decklink-ouput-ui.dll
21:31:59.683: coreaudio-encoder.dll
21:31:59.683: ---------------------------------
21:31:59.683: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
21:31:59.683: Service '' not found
21:31:59.686: All scene data cleared
21:31:59.686: ------------------------------------------------
21:31:59.715: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio(SST))' [48000 Hz] initialized
21:31:59.747: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (AV TO USB2.0)' [96000 Hz] initialized
21:31:59.748: Switched to scene 'Scene'
21:31:59.748: ------------------------------------------------
21:31:59.748: Loaded scenes:
21:31:59.748: - scene 'Scene':
21:31:59.748: - source: 'Video Capture Device' (dshow_input)
21:31:59.748: ------------------------------------------------
21:31:59.884: ---------------------------------
21:31:59.884: [DShow Device: 'Video Capture Device'] settings updated:
21:31:59.884: video device: AV TO USB2.0
21:31:59.884: video path: \\?\usb#vid_534d&pid_0021&mi_00#6&b8fd4c5&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global
21:31:59.884: resolution: 720x480
21:31:59.884: flip: 0
21:31:59.884: fps: 30.00 (interval: 333333)
21:31:59.884: format: YUY2
21:31:59.941: using video device audio: no
21:31:59.941: audio device: Microphone (AV TO USB2.0)
21:31:59.941: sample rate: 44100
21:31:59.941: channels: 2
21:31:59.941: audio type: Capture
21:32:26.956: A sprite cannot be drawn without a width/height
21:32:50.651: [jim-nvenc: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
21:32:50.651: rate_control: CQP
21:32:50.651: bitrate: 0
21:32:50.651: cqp: 21
21:32:50.651: keyint: 250
21:32:50.651: preset: hq
21:32:50.651: profile: high
21:32:50.651: width: 1280
21:32:50.651: height: 720
21:32:50.651: 2-pass: false
21:32:50.651: b-frames: 2
21:32:50.651: lookahead: false
21:32:50.651: psycho_aq: true
21:32:50.662: ---------------------------------
21:32:50.662: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac_recording'] bitrate: 192, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
21:32:50.671: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
21:32:50.671: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/jenze/Videos/2020-04-14 21-32-50.mkv'...
21:33:05.280: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/jenze/Videos/2020-04-14 21-32-50.mkv' stopped
21:33:05.280: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
21:33:05.280: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 867
21:33:05.280: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 877
21:33:05.280: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
21:33:05.331: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing
21:37:53.764: adding 46 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds (source: Mic/Aux)
21:45:58.906: ---------------------------------
21:45:58.907: video settings reset:
21:45:58.907: base resolution: 480x333
21:45:58.907: output resolution: 160x110
21:45:58.907: downscale filter: Bicubic
21:45:58.907: fps: 60/1
21:45:58.907: format: NV12
21:45:58.907: YUV mode: 601/Partial
21:45:58.907: NV12 texture support enabled
21:45:58.925: Settings changed (outputs, video)
21:45:58.925: ------------------------------------------------
21:47:22.516: Switched to Preview/Program mode
21:47:22.516: ------------------------------------------------
21:47:27.161: [jim-nvenc: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
21:47:27.161: rate_control: CQP
21:47:27.161: bitrate: 0
21:47:27.161: cqp: 14
21:47:27.161: keyint: 250
21:47:27.161: preset: hq
21:47:27.161: profile: high
21:47:27.161: width: 160
21:47:27.161: height: 110
21:47:27.161: 2-pass: false
21:47:27.161: b-frames: 2
21:47:27.161: lookahead: false
21:47:27.161: psycho_aq: true
21:47:27.167: ---------------------------------
21:47:27.167: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac_recording'] bitrate: 192, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
21:47:27.180: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
21:47:27.180: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/jenze/Videos/2020-04-14 21-47-27.mkv'...
21:47:45.308: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/jenze/Videos/2020-04-14 21-47-27.mkv' stopped
21:47:45.308: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
21:47:45.308: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 1079
21:47:45.308: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 1088
21:47:45.309: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
21:47:45.354: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing
21:50:07.949: [jim-nvenc: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
21:50:07.949: rate_control: CQP
21:50:07.949: bitrate: 0
21:50:07.949: cqp: 14
21:50:07.949: keyint: 250
21:50:07.949: preset: hq
21:50:07.949: profile: high
21:50:07.949: width: 160
21:50:07.949: height: 110
21:50:07.949: 2-pass: false
21:50:07.949: b-frames: 2
21:50:07.949: lookahead: false
21:50:07.949: psycho_aq: true
21:50:07.956: ---------------------------------
21:50:07.957: [FFmpeg aac encoder: 'simple_aac_recording'] bitrate: 192, channels: 2, channel_layout: 3
21:50:07.969: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
21:50:07.969: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/jenze/Videos/2020-04-14 21-50-07.mkv'...
21:50:20.902: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/jenze/Videos/2020-04-14 21-50-07.mkv' stopped
21:50:20.902: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
21:50:20.902: Output 'simple_file_output': Total frames output: 767
21:50:20.902: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 776
21:50:20.902: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
21:50:20.948: warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing


New Member
Sorry - error in my log file. I included a log that said

21:31:59.571: base resolution: 1280x720
21:31:59.571: output resolution: 1280x720

It was one of the logs from my tests. I was mostly using the base and output resolutions specified in my original message.


Active Member
If the capture device does not show a video signal in the OBS Preview window of some kind, it's not going to record anything.

What sort of cap device are you using? Some of the more "budget" units only provide 32-bit drivers, so you may need to run OBS Studio 32-bit to get it to work. Alternately, if you are specifying resolutions/framerates in the Video Capture Device setup, and have specified something the cap device cannot provide, it may blackscreen (making it wise to leave those at defaults, at least initially). And in a catch-22, some provide bad default resolution/framerate/colorspace settings and will blackscreen if you don't set something specific.

Another good test is to load up Discord or Skype and see if you can set the cap device as your webcam, and if it gets signal.
If it doesn't, it may be one of the type that doesn't use the vidcap device standard spec, and may only work with the software the manufacturer shipped with the vidcap device. Normally you can either use their software, or Window Capture their software at that point.

So lots of options on what might be going wrong, yeah.