Convert HDR to SDR


New Member

I need to streasm via NDI to have a lot of point of view and one of the flux are in HDR.

Please, do you have any tips (filter, plugins or options...) to convert the HDR of this specific flux in SDR to have a correct color ?

Maybe i need to convert all other in HDR to send HDr to twitch to have a better color ?

Thanks for you help.
1- Take an OBS projector from the source or scene in HDR to an SDR screen (another signal on the same monitor is OK, just uncheck HDR in Windows from that screen or signal and choose extend screen).

Then use NDI Tools to capture that screen with the Screen Capture or Screen Capture HX tool, that NDI signal will display perfectly in SDR and can be used with the NDI plug-in in OBS or another program that supports NDI.

Screen Capture or Screen Capture HX works much better than the NDI plug-in in OBS (AV-Distro), much better performance. With Screen Capture HX you can send HDR but only within NDI Tools.

2 - Use LUTs. There are many, this one is quite good. I'm sending you these LUTs (I don't know who the author is) and a "classic" HDR to SDR LUT. For me, the REC2020PQto709v2.cube version is the best.

Mode 1 is the one I use to stream to Youtube in HDR from one PC and to Twitch in SDR from another PC . But you can also use method 2

There are several variants depending on the number of PCs . You can use only one transmitter PC (quite difficult if you broadcast at 4k Youtube and use TEB in Twitch, bad performance and lag / stuttering) and one game PC, with two transmitter PCs, with three (two transmitters and one game PC), with three but using video capturers in the 2 transmitter PCs (which is how I currently do it).


  • 2020 to 709.rar
    779.4 KB · Views: 0
  • 2020 to 709 2.rar
    546.7 KB · Views: 0