Controlling OBS on Ubuntu via VNC while running in fullscreen mode?


New Member

My MiniPC that I am running OBS on has two outputs but one is Display Port and can't easily be converted to HDMI.

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 btw.

I am using an ATEM Mini and using OBS on the MiniPC to play videos and lower-thirds etc.

I need to be able to control it via VNC while OBS outputs in fullscreen mode on the real desktop (going to the HDMI out) but I'm really struggling to do it.

I've just managed to get a second VNC server running but when I connect to that, and run OBS there, I can only select that display to play fullscreen in, not the one connected to the ATEM.

Does anyone do anything similar and can they help please in getting this working?

Any other way to control OBS over the network (I use a mac as my main machine) is fine. I use Companion and a Streamdeck -am I best setting that up to control the OBS and play scenes to show videos and lower-thirds etc?

Many thanks!