Question / Help Constant stutter even without streaming or recording


New Member
Greetings. Although this happened to me a few times in the last cuple of weeks, I could just restart OBS and the issue itself faded away. But now, since the last update, the stuttering is persistent.

This is what happens now, no matter what the settings are. That's it, I have this stuttering even when using low settings like Ultrafast + 1000 bitrate.

Things that should be noted:

1) This has never happened to me. I'm using the very same settings I use everyday without any issue until now.

2) nVidia has updated its drivers this week.

3) There is no issue at all when I use the "classic" OBS 0.657 with similar settings.

4) It shows even when I am not recording nor streaming. But the games run perfectly fine. Even when the only source in the scene is a scrolling text.

5) I am using two screens, and my computer is free from malwares and such.

I must apologize for not providing the log file. When I go to Help > Log Files nothing happens. Show Log FIles opens an empty folder. View Current Log does nothing even when I am streaming for five minutes. Nothing happens with the Upload options.

Can anybody provide me with an answer?. Thank you so much. Best regards,

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New Member
Good evening. After a long struggle I've found the root of the problem but, unfortunately, I am not able to provide any solution.

Let us take a look at this two pictures.


In this situation I have the constant stutter I was talking about.

In the following picture I have no stuttering at all.


Do you see the difference? When I am not using that image, which is a simple PNG that covers all the screen -but it is transparent except for the borders-, we have no problem at all.

One would argue that this happens because I am using a PNG, but you can see that in both cases I am using another one: the frame for the webcam. Both PNG come from the same drive.

Can anyone provide some insight? Thank you so much.


New Member
I have an additional piece of information.

I have a custom overlay -a simple frame- in three different sizes: 640x360, 1280x720 and 1920x1080. Whenever I use one in OBS, I adjust its size to fit the game.

As you may think already, as the image was bigger, so was the stuttering.


I have the exact problem. Overlays using PNG images seems to cause the problem.
I had to save the image into a BMP and use colour keying to create transparency and it got rid of the issue.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I'll take a look on my end and see if I can spot anything unusual going on. Only PNGs? Not, say, BMPs? Are you absolutely sure? Because that's totally baffling if so.


Can confirm on my side that my .png overlays cause the stutter (in the preview window at the very least), and using a .bmp didn't cause anything unusual