Console 60 fps footage is smoother than PC 60 fps footage (limited vs unlimited framerate)

If you ever wondered why console recorded footage looks smoother than PC recordings, it's because of the 60 fps cap. Usually VSync is always active on consoles, whereas in PC games we usually turn it off to get less input lag. Turns out, if you play at a higher framerate than 60 but record it at 60, the frames will not be distributed evenly, and your recording will get a microstutter. This is not related to performance at all, it's just frame pacing. The frames are not skipped or duplicated, but they don't follow a smooth constant stream.

You can check the difference in this video

I've been trying to get rid of the microstutter without sacrificing the unlimited framerate, but I haven't figured it out.
Capping the game to 120 fps to get even frames works to some extension, but even then you will get some intermittent stuttering.