Question / Help Connect my console to my second monitor and displaying that on OBS


New Member
I am displaying my Nintendo Switch to my second monitor via hdmi and I am trying to display that game view on to OBS. When I go to display the second monitor on OBS, it shows the monitor desktop and not the game. What am I missing? I believe I have done this in the past, but I seem to be missing something. Can anyone help? Thanks


New Member
Can you provide more detail on your setup-- what is your Switch actually connected to and how?
So i have an imac and a second monitor. The Switch is connected via hdmi to the second monitor and the other hdmi port on the monitor is connected to the imac. I see the Switch on my monitor, but in OBS the second monitor view only shows the desktop view of the second monitor and not what is being shown in game.


Active Member
You cannot get video from an external device into OBS just by connecting that device to the same monitor. You need a capture device that would plug into your computer via USB.