Conflicts in hot keys, and 1 idea

My Name Jeff

New Member
So my problem i have with Conflicts in hot keys, if there isn't really any Conflicting with each other then there should be a yellow warning. For example on scene 1 i have END to "switch to scene" but i also have END on Scene 2 that "Hide media Source 2" and END on Desktop Audio Media source 2 mute.

But it really doesn't cause any problems at all, because there are on different scene's, Yes if it does cause problems then yes show the warring.

Now on to the idea that i have, it would be nice to be able have it built in, to were you can have the camera overlaying the preview screen with the game. But you can have the option to record game and camera separately, so you can be free with the camera in editing. Yes i know of source record, but that doesn't work for me in fact i'm been speaking with the creator him self, and he can't seem to recreate issue him self.