Complex Use Case - Seeking Ideas


New Member
I have a pretty complex case, that I am struggling to get over the last few hurdles, with a ticking clock, and would love some support from the community.


I need to film a socially distanced wedding, and have it broadcast online through a private method, and also output the film on a projector to an audience outside the church.

The camera will not be in a good place to pick up speech, however will be good for music and the choir and whatever else may be happening.
Therefore I have a field recorder in place near the actual action between the couple and the priest.

I have no access to the area from 15 minutes before the start.
There's a little annex where the priest emerges from that I can use to run things.

Current Planned Solution Overview
  • Camera HDMI out goes to Elgato HD60 S+ which goes to Laptop USB3
  • Zoom Recorder goes out to laptop combo headphone/mic socket with an adaptor to split the socket
  • OSB used to mix the video and two audio signals
  • Use Virtual Cam as input to google meet
  • Field monitor plugged into laptop as second screen running the meet in full screen
  • Field monitor passthrough output runs to Projector via a 30m cat7 cable running over some HDMI extenders for that purpose

Now comes the Tricky Part....

Software Config

The only way I could see to output the audio to video conferencing software was to use Virtual Cable In (VC-In) as the OSB Monitor - is this right?

So I have the following for Meet:
  • Video Source: OSB Virtual Cam
  • Mic: VC-Out
Then in order to get the projector as a 2nd monitor working I set the windows audio output to be the VC-Out also.

Problem - Any Advice?

The HDMI cable for the camera is 20m, so it seems that the audio lags a bit.
I set a delay in OBS on the other audio source, however it seems that the monitor doesn't respect the delays.
Having said that, sometimes if I make a change, I do hear a difference, but there doesn't seem to be any consistency, eg sometimes if I close OBS and start it again, the delay changes, however then next time it's not even close....

There's also the challenge that the internet connection is fairly poor, which limits the streaming options somewhat.

I would love to hear some ideas on how I could get this working.