Question / Help Completely random Disconnects


New Member
Hello, 3 weeks ago I started to get a completely COMPLETELY random disconnects, sometimes they happen after hour sometimes it happens after 10 minutes. My bitrate won't go down to zero it just instantly disconnects me.

It happens at random and is not connected to any action on PC. It happens while playing games, while being in windows, even when I went afk etc.

My internet seems to be perfectly fine the games won't spike or anything, twitch chat still works, youtube works, teamspeak works, it won't log me out of anything just OBS. I have no idea wtf is happening but I've been streaming for 2 years and I never had this problem.

I tried reinstalling OBS, I tried reinstalling network drivers, even tried both 32 and 64bit versions but it's still happening. I contacted my ISP and they said everything should be working fine, that they see no packetloss conectivity is great etc.

Do I have to reinstall windows to make sure it's not on my side or is it definetly ISP problem? (I'm a partnered streamer, EU SERVERS)
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New Member
Big red text.

I was hoping to find someone that had a similiar problem and maybe found a way how to fix it :/ cuz I'm really desparte right now and I don't really want to reinstall everything and download all the games and things.


New Member
Its one of the recent windows updates I had the same problem scroll through recent threads to figure which update it was


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Its one of the recent windows updates I had the same problem scroll through recent threads to figure which update it was
If you're talking about KB3189866, KB3176938, or the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, then no, that is not the problem here. @Miken_TV is running Windows 8.1, not Windows 10. The updates I just mentioned only affect Windows 10. I don't recall seeing any other Windows Updates being blamed for issues recently.


New Member
I keep having a major issue with dropping frames with 0.15.4 on studio and then just losing my stream this is not the first time i have had it happen and it happened to me 3 times in a matter of 2 hours while streaming to twitch. I would like to know why 15.4 has been such a pain for me when 15.3 worked perfectly fine on Win 10. Fix or i go to Xsplit please i love the product but if it is going to be unreliable consistently its not worth sticking with it. I ended my stream very freaking angry because I lost my stream for a 3rd time because of the instability of 15.4 i haven't changed any settings on my obs and ive lost frames and my connection because obs just decides to stop the connection and freeze. I never had this issue with 15.3 with the same exact settings. I will not try and capture a log when it does so because the entire program goes unresponsive. I'm getting fed up with it and would love a fix.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I keep having a major issue with dropping frames with 0.15.4 on studio and then just losing my stream this is not the first time i have had it happen and it happened to me 3 times in a matter of 2 hours while streaming to twitch. I would like to know why 15.4 has been such a pain for me when 15.3 worked perfectly fine on Win 10. Fix or i go to Xsplit please i love the product but if it is going to be unreliable consistently its not worth sticking with it. I ended my stream very freaking angry because I lost my stream for a 3rd time because of the instability of 15.4 i haven't changed any settings on my obs and ive lost frames and my connection because obs just decides to stop the connection and freeze. I never had this issue with 15.3 with the same exact settings. I will not try and capture a log when it does so because the entire program goes unresponsive. I'm getting fed up with it and would love a fix.
You should make your own thread for your own issue. We have no way of knowing if your issue is the same as the one presented here. Having your own thread will allow us to troubleshoot each issue without getting the conversations mixed up. When you do post your own thread, please post a complete log that shows a streaming/recording session that exhibits the issue you're having. That said, I'll go ahead and respond here anyway, though any moderator may feel free to split these posts into their own thread, should they be so inclined.

There are only three differences between OBS Studio 0.15.3 and 0.15.4. One of those doesn't change any functionality, one of them fixed a hotkey accidentally activating, and the other fixed an application crash. I don't see how 0.15.4 would end up less stable than 0.15.3. However, recent Windows 10 updates certainly can and have been causing issues for people that sound similar to yours. Without a log to show us what update version of Windows 10 you have, I can only guess at this and suggest that you check what updates have recently been installed.

Logs are created automatically. You can find them in the your AppData folder. Press "Windows Key + R" to bring up the "Run" dialog box. Put "%AppData%\obs-studio" in the text box. Hit the Enter key or click the OK button. Logs are located in the "logs" folder. Crash logs are located in the "crashes" folder. However, logs are cycled out, so old ones are deleted as new ones are created. If you haven't run OBS Studio enough times to get rid of your old logs that show your issue, you could still upload those and not have to capture a new log.

Lastly, demanding that the developer fixes a bug isn't going to make @Jim show up, fix a problem that he can't observe or diagnose, and push out a new release immediately. We're all volunteers here. Help us help you.