Hello, 3 weeks ago I started to get a completely COMPLETELY random disconnects, sometimes they happen after hour sometimes it happens after 10 minutes. My bitrate won't go down to zero it just instantly disconnects me.
It happens at random and is not connected to any action on PC. It happens while playing games, while being in windows, even when I went afk etc.
My internet seems to be perfectly fine the games won't spike or anything, twitch chat still works, youtube works, teamspeak works, it won't log me out of anything just OBS. I have no idea wtf is happening but I've been streaming for 2 years and I never had this problem.
I tried reinstalling OBS, I tried reinstalling network drivers, even tried both 32 and 64bit versions but it's still happening. I contacted my ISP and they said everything should be working fine, that they see no packetloss conectivity is great etc.
Do I have to reinstall windows to make sure it's not on my side or is it definetly ISP problem? (I'm a partnered streamer, EU SERVERS)
It happens at random and is not connected to any action on PC. It happens while playing games, while being in windows, even when I went afk etc.
My internet seems to be perfectly fine the games won't spike or anything, twitch chat still works, youtube works, teamspeak works, it won't log me out of anything just OBS. I have no idea wtf is happening but I've been streaming for 2 years and I never had this problem.
I tried reinstalling OBS, I tried reinstalling network drivers, even tried both 32 and 64bit versions but it's still happening. I contacted my ISP and they said everything should be working fine, that they see no packetloss conectivity is great etc.
Do I have to reinstall windows to make sure it's not on my side or is it definetly ISP problem? (I'm a partnered streamer, EU SERVERS)
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