Question / Help compiling obs studio sources windows


New Member
i'm unfamiliar on git and lost with install for source compiling.
i downloaded git source in zip format and uncompress it in a directory F:\dev\obs-studio-master
in the install file, i can read
git submodule init && git submodule update
i was tried it in git bash in différents directory but nothing append. it's important do do it.?

note about including ffmpeg.
how to do it simply , without to be a nuclear submarine commander??
when you open ffmpeg project, for a windows man like me, it's a nigthmare, really.
linking to other project again and again, dependency for a lot of Library, but wich version for each?
wich Library really required.???
when in the website, the installation and compil options are false or deprecated..
what the hell.??
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New Member
i tried to compile obs-studio, but,
sources from videolan( x264-snapshot-20141218-2245) does not contains include directory as specified in the install file from obs-studio.
how to generate include files from x264 sources..??
i tried lot of solution, mingw, mingw64, and other, all seem incomplete or deprecated or cul-de-sac.

i have vs2013 on Windows 7 .
anyone can help.??


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This was resolved in the dev chat. For anyone else wondering, make sure to follow the compilation instructions in the repository directory.