Color photographic negative?

Since I can't get the merging of two pictures to merge when opaque to a RGB quality and the editing software thinks in terms of CYM, instead of trying to get people to reverse the logic of the editing software which works so well for so many people maybe I should reverse my thinking and figure out how to get a pure photographic negative so I could with a combination of negating, possibly negating twice somewhere to get back the positive, and decolorizing and merging, maybe there's some combination of how I could do a photographic negative. But the thing is I need both aluma shift and a chrome shift turning blacks into whites and whites in the blacks as well as turning reds in the Siamese and vice versa, all along the color wheel. Any way to do a pure photographic shift not just a loom shift not just the Chrome shift, but a pure photographic negative so I could work with the logic of the operating system and the editing system.