Color differences between fullscreen projector and dshow


New Member

I was wondering if anyone here might know what would be causing color discrepancies between the fullscreen projector view of a capture card and a fullscreen view of the same card using other dshow access (ffplay, mplayer, etc.). I've tried a variety of pixel formats and colorspaces in an attempt to match the fullscreen projector colors, but I've been unable to find a way to match the colors.

Test case:
Configure video capture to output data with little to no change in frame data.
Open OBS, add a single video capture source, open a fullscreen projector of the source, capture screenshot (a.png).
Open video card using ffplay -f dshow -i, capture screenshot (b.png).
Compare screenshots using imagemagick (magick compare a.png b.png c.png).
Observe various areas with mismatched content.