Bug Report Clicking in audio when downmixing to mono with multiple tracks


New Member
I've found this to be a reproducible bug with a fairly simple workaround for local recording, but unsure about streaming. Figured it might be worth reporting regardless.

For my YouTube channel, I record with a capture device and pair of microphones both connected to a dedicated PC with OBS. I set up multiple audio tracks so that the video sound is stereo Track 1 and the microphones both record together to stereo Track 2 (essentially just 2-track audio, left channel is one mic and right channel is the other). This is a super convenient feature because I no longer have to worry about syncing the mic audio to the game footage. Then I just sync the cams to the mic audio and voila, everything is in sync from top to bottom.

However, because I'm panning 2 mics left and right at a mixer prior to my interface and the recording PC to separate them on their own tracks, I was using the "Downmix to mono" feature for Track 2 in OBS just to save some time for later editing. But when I dumped the footage into my NLE, there was a bit of clicking every 7 or 8 seconds in the mic audio -- but only the mic audio and not the game audio (Track 2 and not Track 1 in OBS terms). It wasn't too noticeable and none of my viewers ever pointed it out, but I sure noticed it.

All I had to do was un-check "Downmix to Mono" to leave it stereo when recording and the clicking went away. I just mix back to mono in my NLE and all is well. However, I wouldn't have that option when streaming, so I'm unsure as to whether or not the clicking will happen in that case.

Again, not a big inconvenience to leave in stereo and then mix to mono in post, but just wanted to share my experience with two tracks and one downmixing to mono, it added some clicks until the Downmix option was unchecked.