Chrome and Brave just show black screen but Firefox OK


New Member
I'm trying to capture a Chrome Tab with Window Capture (Xcomposite). I'm on Ubuntu 21.04 with OBS 27.0.1. I've done this in the past with no issues but have upgraded Ubuntu, Chrome, and OBS since then.

When I try to capture Chrome it shows a black screen. I've seen the other posts about this (mostly Windows based) and I HAVE DISABLED HARDWARE ACCELERATION in Chrome. Sorry for yelling that, but I'm sure there will be a bunch of people telling me to do that if I don't clarify that I've tried that already.

I try the same site in Firefox and it works fine.
I also tried in Brave (with hardware acceleration disabled) and it has the same issue as Chrome, so it seems to be Chromium specific.

I'm not really a fan of Chrome, but there are a bunch of extensions that make life easier, so I'm stuck with it.
Any way I can get it working again with OBS?


New Member
I have resolved this with a workaround. As mentioned in my original post above, my OS is Ubuntu 21.04. What I did not mention is that I was using the NVIDIA proprietary device drivers (nvidia-driver-470). When I revert to using the open source driver (xserver-xorg-video-nouveau) Chrome is no longer a black screen. So, I'm guessing some configuration of the proprietary driver is causing this. I'll experiment more to see if I can get it to work with the NVIDIA drivers, but thought I'd post this result for those who have this issue.


New Member
With NVIDIA drivers enabled this issue is fixed by going to
Then enable "Use system title bar and borders


I found that solution here. Not sure why I didn't find it from previous searchs before starting this thread but this solution works.
