Chroma Key "similarity" problem


New Member
Hey All,

I usually run a black-on-white countdown for our Sunday morning church service, superimposed over a slideshow and video reel. I run the slideshow reel as a media source, and the countdown runs on a dual monitor. These past two weeks, the "similarity" slider has not been filtering out only the black background, as it has reliably every week, but now filters out the entire image. Anyone have a clue why that would suddenly be? This is probably my most-used feature in OBS, and now suddenly it is not functional.


New Member
Probably you might need to try out the Color key filter(to filter out exact color) instead of chrome key...


New Member
Wow, now I feel like a dummy. "Color Key" is what I've been using all along, I don't know how I got using the wrong filter these past couple weeks. All good now. Carry on, everyone!