Chroma Key only working when set to green


New Member
I have no idea what I did to cause this problem but my setup requires chroma-keying out red, green, or blue depending on the particular asset. Green works no problem with default settings but all other colors behave as though I still have green selected.

I doubt we can "fix" this issue since it came on randomly part way through my migration from Windows to Linux, just working in OBS, no CLI, no file explorer, nothing that "might" break something like that. I have attatched an example of what it does to a red backdrop with black bars on the sides. The black bars are grey (not expected when removing an entire color channel since black is the abcense of color anyways) and the red is still fully red. Changing the 'Similarity' field just changes the shade of the black bars on the sides until the entire image fades away.

Screenshot from 2021-05-16 01-10-18.png

The info I am looking for is the name of the plugin that contains the default chroma key filter so that I can rebuild and replace it. Also if there are seperate configuration folders/files to keep an eye out for? I am very new to Linux and the way things are installed but very willing to learn... just hard to Google when you have no idea where to start.


New Member
Additional information. Changing the color to blue has removed the red when intensity is set to 250 but going lower brings back the red and going above 400 starts to bring back the red. None of the blues or greens that are part of the other part of the animation are culled at 250. It feels like maybe there is a config file that isn't working properly but I have no idea where to go hunting for it.

Also the chroma key filter can turn to a broken state when set to custom (as it is in my screenshot above.) When in this broken state the 'Key Color' field is not removed. The only way to fix the filter on the particular asset is to remove all instances of the asset and recreate it from scratch. The type of object I am playing with to troubleshoot is a media source configured with a motion graphic saved as an mp4.