Question / Help Choppy when playing games?


New Member
Hi , just downloaded the program and loving it so far. As the title says , my gameplay starts to lag and get choppy when I'm recording at the sametime. Really like the program and hope someone can help me out on this ! Thank you!

Not sure if the URL itself works to view the log file. I tried uploading the downloaded version but it wasn't letting me. :/

Thanks for taking the time to read this!
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
That might be the wrong log because I see no mention of recording. Are you able to get me an up-to-date log where it has mention of streaming/recording where you experienced the issue?

Did you mean that you were having trouble streaming and recording at the same time? If so, are you using the advanced output options? If you are using advanced output, you may have set your recordings to use a different encoder than streaming. That will spawn a second encoder, which would probably approximately double CPU usage, so I would recommend setting it to use the stream encoder if you want to use both at once, and set the stream encoder to use the settings you would like for both.