I've recently been fiddling around with the settings, and found that I can either have DECENT 720p 60fps looking video (although fps keeps dropping in video playback) or instead decrease the encoder preset to superfast instead of fast, and the choppiness goes away although the quality does decrease.
I'm trying to find a way of compromising, does anyone have any good settings they use that work? I'm playing CSGO so felt 720p 60fps was better than 1080p 30fps.
Thanks for the help in advance,
I've recently been fiddling around with the settings, and found that I can either have DECENT 720p 60fps looking video (although fps keeps dropping in video playback) or instead decrease the encoder preset to superfast instead of fast, and the choppiness goes away although the quality does decrease.
I'm trying to find a way of compromising, does anyone have any good settings they use that work? I'm playing CSGO so felt 720p 60fps was better than 1080p 30fps.
Thanks for the help in advance,