Question / Help Choppy Stream Low FPS

New streamer here,
I can stream some games ok like BF1 and CSGO but a game like Rocket League dips my FPS to 10 on OBS. In game I'm still get 60FPS 4K and its running fine its only in OBS that its droping the frames. Even when frames are ok the stream doesn't look very good like its under 720p. says CPU usage is only like 1-2% most of the time to.

My PC:

My internet:



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Checking the log you are showing some

21:49:25.829: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 5325 (6.1%)

Your res is 3840x2160 downscaled down to 1080p @ 60fps veryfast cpu preset though at 2500 bitrate which is way to low for this res to steam this res / fps.

To get a better steam quality change the 1080p to 720p @ 60fps and up the bitrate to 3000 or 3500 as you have the upload leaving it on a veryfast preset for now, though i expect as you have a i76800 you can lower this further to faster.

If you want to keep the bitrate down so your stream has a lower download requirement for viewers then keep it at 2500 but drop from 720p @ 60fps to 720p @ 30fps.

Hope this helps, if you continue to have issues repost a log after these changes.

4k gaming is pretty intense even with a 1080gtx and 6800 cpu never mind adding steaming x264 encoding into the mix.