David Wayne Lynn Jr
New Member
New streamer here,
I can stream some games ok like BF1 and CSGO but a game like Rocket League dips my FPS to 10 on OBS. In game I'm still get 60FPS 4K and its running fine its only in OBS that its droping the frames. Even when frames are ok the stream doesn't look very good like its under 720p. says CPU usage is only like 1-2% most of the time to.
My PC: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MVKGjc
My internet:
Log: https://gist.github.com/100c350dfada67cb2969b97c7645ebbc
I can stream some games ok like BF1 and CSGO but a game like Rocket League dips my FPS to 10 on OBS. In game I'm still get 60FPS 4K and its running fine its only in OBS that its droping the frames. Even when frames are ok the stream doesn't look very good like its under 720p. says CPU usage is only like 1-2% most of the time to.
My PC: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MVKGjc
My internet:
Log: https://gist.github.com/100c350dfada67cb2969b97c7645ebbc