Choppy Browser Stream Recording -- Mac Pro 24-core w/ Two Radeon Pro Vega II - Gigabit Internet Connection


New Member
I have always gotten choppy results recording via the browser with OBS. I recently obtained a Mac Pro and the system has more than enough resources to record smooth, so I don't know what is wrong. I am including the log. I clicked through all my settings at the end of the video if anyone can offer advice there.

I have tried various YouTube channels to tweak settings and the troubleshooting guide but there doesn't seem much else I can change inside of OBS. Is there something else I need to do?

Here are links to the actual video files I was able to record:



  • 2020-07-18 23-43-27.txt
    4.6 KB · Views: 5


New Member
As a brand-new newbie, I had the same frustration that you described above. Then, a courteous forum membe, simchooi, helped me with these tips today. When I implemented his advice, I couldn't believe my eyes that the ugly choppiness disappeared.

So, please give simchooi's advice a try. Then, let us know if it alleviated your frustration.


New Member
Thanks a lot for the advice Nunz. I hadn't found that post yet and it led me to some pretty good YouTube videos to try as well. OBS on the Mac doesn't have all the settings he was tweaking though. Nothing worked at all to capture that website I was originally testing with. I thought it might be that site. So I went to a YouTube Video and captured that one with better results but it was still a little bit choppy.

I am getting better results capturing with the "Window Capture" method. I tried the "Browser Capture" method but that gives worse results. That kind of surprised me since I would think that was a more direct method.

I was able to get to a point where the video is better but not where I want it to be. The audio is out of sync too.

I will mainly be using this to record Zoom meetings with my school. I will not be using it to stream at all. I am wondering if OBS is the app I should be using or not.


New Member
sarxws – I am in a similar situation with my school as well. For classes that have been converted from face-to-face to 100% online, the administration wants me to give "synchronous" online classes. That is, if a class was originally scheduled to meet physically at MWF 9am, then I am now expected to give an online synchronous class at MWF 9am. So, first, I had to decide how to deliver my "live" lectures.

(1) Stream a live lecture from OBS to YouTube Live.
(2) Pre-record a lecture and "schedule" it on YouTube.

I have really wanted (1) to work. However, like your struggle with "Window Capture" and "Browser Capture", I have not been able to reach an acceptable latency for a live lecture. That is, lagging was not and still is not acceptable. Along with (1), I wanted to do a streamed Whiteboard as well. But, again latency is not acceptable. Of course, simchooi's advice was wonderful – it's just that it did not bring the latency up to the point where it was acceptable for a live lecture.

So, I have decided to do (2) with Microsoft Whiteboard in Microsoft Teams. Since my school has a site license for Microsoft Suite, I might as well use it.

Concerning what you want to accomplish, to record a Zoom meeting, am I correct that you do the recording within the Zoom meeting by hitting the Record button? Or, are you trying to capture the Zoom window on the screen?

I make a lot of pre-recorded tutorial videos for my colleagues at my school by recording portions of my Desktop on my Mac. I have used ScreenFlow for a long time and I can make professional-looking videos with it. Since you said above that you will not be streaming it, I believe that you can concentrate on producing quality videos with ScreenFlow, then post the videos on YouTube for your audience at your school.